Friday 29 April 2016


My "Dark Passenger" And Me.

So I thought I would tell you all a bit more about our little gremlin, Joey.

We adopted Joey after a lot of consideration from West Calder Dogs Trust. They didn't have much of a history on him other than that he had been dropped off at the pound and was a day away from being destroyed. 

He is a 1 and a half year old staffie cross (possibly lab) who is friendly with people and other doggies. He is extremely affectionate and will offer lots of kisses, but can get a little bit excitable meeting new people and tends to jump up and lick their ears. He loves very much to play with other doggies but knows no boundaries and may invade their personal space, whether they like it or not! He will however, abide when told off. 

Joey loves to play with his toys and can fetch quite eagerly but his most favourite thing to do is chew. We think this may be because he is teething, however, he is a staffie, and Stafford Terriers are known to chew! 

He likes a bit of rough and tumble with his daddy, but knows mummy isn't as strong and takes his time with her. The noises he makes when he is playing really do sound like a gremlin, hence the nickname! Most of all though, he loves a snuggle! He cosies up to us on the couch, he has his own bed in which he builds himself a fort to get comfy in and sometimes, not often, but sometimes he gets to come on our bed for a snooze. He makes THE CUTEST comfy noises. If we didn't know it before, his comfy noises just finalised our decision that he was ours! He actually sounds like he's saying "mhm" when he's all cosied up!

When out for walks Joey is better off the lead than on. When on the lead he tends to pull a bit, but is getting better with training. But when off, he doesn't stray too far, always checks that he can still see us and comes back when called. He tends to have his nose to the ground but if he sees a bird or rabbit he will charge off to chase them. The best thing about walking Joey off the lead is the smiles you get. As you can see in the pictures, his smile is just precious!

We have a few places to take Joey off the lead, always in spacious areas where he can explore to his hearts content, but around roads he is not very streetwise, so needs to stay on the lead around estates and busy roads. When Joey is able to go off the lead, he is just amazing! He did get a bit of a fright when around water for the first time. We were with another dog who loves the water and when he ran into the river, Joey automatically followed and jumped into a bit that was too deep for him. His immediately jumped back out and hid behind his mummy! He will paddle in the water, but will not go right in - which actually is a good thing because drying Joey is all a big game!

I'm sure there will be plenty more stories to tell you, which I intend to share, but for now Joey and I are going to snuggle up and watch some TV.  Have a nice evening everyone!

~ x ~ x ~ X ~ Susi ~ X ~ x ~ x ~

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